- geoGraph::hgdpHuman genome diversity panel - georeferenced data
- geoGraph::hgdpPlusHuman genome diversity panel - georeferenced data
- geoGraph::rawgraph.10kWorldwide geographic graphs
- geoGraph::rawgraph.40kWorldwide geographic graphs
- geoGraph::worldgraph.10kWorldwide geographic graphs
- geoGraph::worldgraph.40kWorldwide geographic graphs
- geoGraph::worldshapeWorldwide geographic graphs
- pastclim::biome4_classesBIOME4 classes.
- pastclim::koeppen_classesKoeppen-Geiger classes.
- pastclim::mis_boundariesTime boundaries of marine isotope stages (MIS).
- pastclim::region_extentRegion extents.
- pastclim::region_outlineRegion outlines.
- pastclim::region_outline_unionRegion outlines unioned.
- tidypopgen::distruct_coloursDistruct colours
- tidysdm::horsesCoordinates of radiocarbon dates for horses
- tidysdm::lacertaCoordinates of presences for Iberian emerald lizard
- tidysdm::lacerta_ensembleA simple ensemble for the lacerta data
- tidysdm::lacerta_rep_ensA repeat ensemble for the lacerta data
- tidysdm::lacertidae_backgroundCoordinates of presences for lacertidae in the Iberian peninsula